Radiant G

Indie Game Developer
Game Journalist
Character Artist
UI Artist
Voice Actor
Diversity & Inclusion
Radiant G! Studios

Indie Dev

Creating indie games in a plethora of different roles.

Ink Inside promo art

Ink Inside

PC, Nintendo Switch, PS5, Xbox Series X|S, PS4, Xbox One

Wunderling title card


PS4, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch

Note: Radiant G's card-based word association party game, Werd Linx, is also TBA.
More information will be coming out about it in 2025. For now, read about it here.


Digital gaming and tabletop gaming-centric media coverage

Author Pages:


Diversity • Equity • Inclusion • Belonging • Accessibility

Currently Project Mushroom logo

🍄Currently / Project Mushroom🍄

DEIBA Consulting & Documentation Writing

Qweerty Gamers logo

🌈Qweerty Gamers🌈

DEIBA Consulting

TheGameHERS logo

👩The GameHERS👩

DEIBA Consulting &
Roadmap Creation

Diverse Gaming Coalition logo

🎮Diverse Gaming Coalition🎮

Brand Owner & DEIBA

The Essential Inclusive Character Creator (TEICC)

TEICC Screengrab

Currently in production

About Radiant G

Radiant G is an indie game developer who has created games self-taught by hobby for roughly 20 years, and started making his transition into the professional sphere in 2018. He has experience speaking and exhibiting at major conventions around the United States such as PAX and GDC, and a big goal of his in the industry is to ensure that gaming is inclusive, creative, and accessible.His work has a strong focus on LGBTQ+ themes, and he believes that everyone from every walk of life regardless of race, gender, religion, age, ability, sexual orientation and/or romantic orientation should be able to see themselves on screen, comfortably work in the industry, and enjoy the experience of playing.In addition to his own creative projects, he also does freelance work including, but not limited to: production, creative direction, narrative design, songwriting, journalism, sensitivity consulting, fiction and game writing, concept art, character art, graphic design, and voice acting.Currently, Radiant is the Site Lead and Apex Legends beat writer for the worker-run, minority-majority games journalism website, Press SPACE to Jump. He is also the Producer, Creative Director, Narrative Designer, and Character Artist for the upcoming LGBTQ+ narrative game, Himbo Hunter. And lastly, Radiant is the owner of two orgs: Diverse Gaming Coalition, which boosts marginalized creators in the games, comics, and animation industries, and Verve, an all LGBTQ+ gaming team.For hiring, please send an email to radiantgbusiness@gmail.com. For collaboration, connecting, or anything else, please DM him on Twitter.🔷

Writing Excerpts

These excerpts are not to be reposted, duplicated or edited. They are shared as examples only. Thank you! Enjoy.

From: Wren & Heila’s Survival Rules
Genre: Survival Horror, Female Protagonists
“Do you need some water?”
Dirt & dust circled in the harsh, tawny-brown air of the wastelands as Heila asked the question. It circled around the small camp still in the process of being set up, a lion toying with its prey. So far, all that stood firm in the soon-to-be makeshift home was a sole burlap tent and the rusted metal spikes begging to be strong enough to hold down the fabric as the wind picked up.The scene was lit by only one lone lantern, which swung in the shaky hand of one of the two travelers. Just another day in paradise.The hand that wasn’t holding the lantern was much steadier as Wren hammered down the last spike of the tent with the handle of her sword. She had to ensure that her travelling partner was safe while she sat inside, looking out into the elements and occasionally at Wren through the front flaps. Wren returned the blade to the sheath on her back, and she wiped her forehead with the side of her hand, which was equally covered in sweat and dirt.She looked over at Heila, who was holding a small metal canteen of warm, dirty water in her hands as she spoke to Wren from the tent’s entrance. She gave Wren a half-smile, which was about as much as anyone gave these days. Wren shook her head and shooed the canteen away with her free hand.“We should wait until the night comes. You have our collection, right?”Heila nodded causing her curly hair to bounce a little, gesturing to the burlap sack in the tent behind her. It was full of the wood scraps the two of them had managed to gather on their journey.On the nights they are able to, they start a campfire so they can boil the water before they drink it. Rarely, they find and cook an animal carcass, though it is usually a little rotten by the time they track it down.Recently dead things were near impossible to come by, and living things? Don’t press your luck.
Things weren’t always like this. Heila was too young to remember how things used to be. Wren, however, was six when the atmosphere shifted. When the climate reached its breaking point. When once standard technology met its end. The world spiraled into complete shambles and stayed that way ever since. Wren was the last surviving member of her family, and Heila of hers. Growing up, Wren took care of Heila, and in some ways that never changed.
“Wren… Wren… Wren!”Wren jumped up and snapped out of her reminiscing, rejoining the present. She saw Heila standing outside of the tent, out in the elements with her.“Sorry, I was just thinking about something, what?”Heila squinted at Wren with her all-knowing hazel eyes, “The Shift again?”Wren didn’t bother lying, she thought about The Shift all the time, and it was rarely healthy. Maybe it was easier for Heila, since she didn’t know life as it was before all was lost.“I know, I know. It’s not healthy. I need to focus on the here and now. On trying to survive. I just… I know our resources are running low, and it seems we are striking out everywhere we look, and-”“Wren. Come here.”Heila takes a few steps backwards, beckoning Wren with her hand, encouraging her to break one of their survival rules. Nevertheless, she turned around asking for some Follow the Leader.Rule #9 – Never leave an active campsite emptyWren was about to stop her, but as her attention shifted between the tent she’d just set up, and Heila, she sighed and shrugged her shoulders.“Fine. But make this quick.”There was nothing but wasteland and empty craters for miles, right? Wren couldn’t fathom what could possibly be so important Heila was willing to leave their only supplies alone, but Wren couldn’t always be the one calling the shots anymore. She also had to trust Heila’s judgment and let her do what she says is best for the two of them.Wren followed a few meters behind Heila and watched her stop, turn and grin when she got to the edge of an extremely narrow crack in the ground. She pointed behind her at a downward angle.“Look.”

From: Fire at his Feet
Genre: Fantasy, Male Protagonist
Haden was nervous as hell. Showing up to a lesson without any books was big no for him, but he didn’t even know where to start. He arrived at high mage Alister’s study and knocked on the door. It mustn't have been closed all the way, as when he hit it, it opened. …and there he was. Alister sat behind his desk, studying a few scrolls and similarly magicked artifacts.
“Am I early?” Haden asked, wondering if he was intruding on something.Alister looked up and Haden noticed he was wearing a pair of thick black rim glasses. They seemed to fall in line with the wrinkles on his haggard face.I’ve never really seen him up close before, Haden thought, His eyes are grey. I always assumed they were hazel or green, but no. They’re slate grey. Stunning. As if he borrowed them from the goddess of war herself.Haden shook himself back to reality. He knew who Alister was and had seen him around, but this… well was going to be hell. Working so closely with a mentor he was most definitely attracted to. Haden was growing extremely self-conscious and the few seconds between his words and Alister’s reply felt like years. He felt himself beginning to sweat and shake.“Oh, no. You’re right, in fact, I lost track of time. My apologies for keeping such a diligent mentee waiting. Please. Make yourself comfortable, I- what are you wearing?” Haden’s under-dressed figure came into Alister’s vision as he took his reading glasses off and set them on the desk.Haden flushed. Looking at Alister’s regal mage robes and jewels made his grey knit shirt and slacks seem like a joke, “I, uh-”Before Haden even had a chance to explain himself, Alister stood up and left, leaving a flustered and confused man looking around the room wondering what to do. Alister had told him to make himself comfortable, but he didn’t even see any chairs. He awkwardly sat down on the floor a distance from Alister’s study desk that still allowed him to see over it and he awaited Alister’s return.-------------------Haden closed his eyes, growing tired. Disappointed. Not knowing if he should just get up and leave at this point, after making such a fool of himself... But it was just as he was ready to give up that Alister returned holding a deep blue, ornate, traditional mage’s uniform. Haden looked at the robe and it’s gold-trimmed intricacies and then back at Alister, who extended the robe like an offering.“It’s amazing… I don’t deserve this,” Haden stammered as he stood up, “I don’t even know if I’ll be able to cast any of the spells you teach me.”Alister stared with his goddess-given eyes, and placed the robes into Haden’s arms, “Even if you fail today, put these on after you leave. Maybe you’ll feel the part, and come back tomorrow. There is more energy in you than you know.”Every word he said held so much wisdom within. And power. Alister exuded power.“Yes… High Mage Alister, sir.”I’m not sure what I’m supposed to call him, Haden thought as he set the robes aside for the time being, but he’s giving me a slight nod, so I think I addressed him properly? I hope?Haden was getting stuck in his own head again, but snapped back as his mentor finally spoke.“Haden,” there was something about the way he said his name, “Let's try some magic.”

Art Portfolio

These images are not to be reposted, duplicated or edited. They are shared as examples only. Thank you! Enjoy.

Spec art of Luz Noceda from the TV Show "The Owl House" by Dana Terrace
Spec art of Amity Blight from the TV Show "The Owl House" by Dana Terrace
All 12 cast members original designs from Dangers in the Motor Vortex

Fan Art Furina from Genshin Impact as Rei from NGE
Fan Art Furina from Genshin Impact as Rei from NGE variant
Fan Art Lifeline from Apex Legends
Fan Art Teo from Arcade Spirits

Voice Acting Reel

This reel is not to be reposted, duplicated or edited. Thank you! Enjoy.

There are pictures of Queen Princess, Cat Hat, and Edward Swimmerhands. There is yellow text reading: Radiant G. Voice Actor, Actual Player & Improv Singer/Comedian. Twitter: @RadiantG_ Bluesky: @RadiantG Twitch: @RadiantG

Radiant G is a Voice Actor (VA) for video games and animation, Actual Player (APer), and improv singer/comedian. You may know him most as the VA for Queen Princess and Cat Hat in Ink Inside from Blackfield Entertainment, and as the Zora Bard Edward Swimmerhands (and his pet Frox, Squishy) in the Zelda Pathfinder 2e AP Jewel of the Indigo Isle on Game Sandwich.

UI Portfolio

These images are not to be reposted, duplicated or edited. They are shared as examples only.

Tropic Victor




Winter's Wrath


Witch's Staff

Fairy's Wand

Jump Wings

Novice Crafter

Mother of Pearl

Grass is Greener



Dash Burst


Valor Heart

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